Virtual Labs

Some challenges will have remote services running for you to connect to as part of the challenge! For these challenges, we are hosting these challenges using infrastructure provided by Campfire Security. This lets each player have their own instance, as well as lets you start (or reboot) challenges yourself! To connect to these challenges, you will need to either start a "vpn lab" and connect with a vpn client, or access it through the in browser kali client.

Some challenges require access to a virtual lab. This year, you can access the virtual lab by signing up at Nordics x Campfire.

If you have previously participated in a CTF on Campfire Security’s platform, you can use the same account and do not need to register again.

On the page where you access your virtual lab, you will also find a FAQ section and a Toolbox page in the lower-left corner.


Campfire Security manages the virtual labs.
If you encounter any issues or have questions that cannot be resolved using the FAQ or Toolbox, you are always welcome to contact their support

Starting a Virtual Lab

Once you have registered, you can start your virtual lab by clicking the button in the upper-right corner.
A pop-up will appear where you need to select a lab type. There are two available types:


If this is your first time participating in a CTF, we highly recommend choosing the Browser Lab.
If using a browser lab, we recommend a Chrome-based browser for the best experience.

Once the lab is available, you will have the option to either open the lab directly or download a VPN configuration.
If you experience issues with your virtual lab, you can click the gear icon next to the lab button.


Here, you can reset your virtual Kali machine (if using the browser lab) or close your lab. If your lab is close to expiring, you can also extend the session from this menu.

Browser Lab

The browser lab provides access to a pre-configured Kali Linux machine directly through your browser.
If you are ever prompted for a username and password in your virtual lab, use the following credentials:


If you choose the VPN lab, you must have WireGuard Client installed to connect.

Starting a Challenge

Once your lab is set up, you can start your first challenge. To do this, navigate to the challenges page, marked with a flag on the left sidebar.
Select the challenge you want to start and click on it.
This will open a window with the challenge description. In the upper-right corner, you will have the option to start, stop, or reset the challenge if you encounter issues.



If you are using a VPN lab, you can view a list of available hosts by clicking the gear icon next to the lab button(upper right corner) and expanding the middle section of the pop-up window. To use domain names while connected to the VPN, you need to add the corresponding IP addresses and domain names to your OS's hosts file to ensure proper resolution.


Remember the Rules

The Cyber Championships should be a fun and fair experience for everyone. Do not launch Dos or DDoS attacks (or any other attacks) against the infrastructure hosting the challenges.